And you said I was underrated...
I like the intro you've added and hearing that synth again was nostalgic and reminds of when I first came across this song. How long does your project say you worked on it?? Everything sounds very crisp on my setup. I like that it has a dance hook that you could play at a club but also has little background elements to make it fun for people who are just listening closely. I fucking love the lead synth that comes in at 1:15, everything is perfect about that. Are you sidechaining manually (via envelopes) or are you using the percussion peak to directly control the sidechain on the instruments? Both techniques definitely work, I'm just curious.
I would play with some heavier reverb on the violins though and maybe go in an randomize the velocities on the notes and do some subtle adjustments of the violins to make them not all start at grid points (to kind of emulate human error in playing real instruments). Obviously it's up and it's good so no need, just ideas to explore in the future.